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The best years are ahead of you: Starting over after everything falls apart with Jason Scriven, Divorce Advisor

Jason Scriven, Divorce Advisor

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Divorce can blow up our lives — but it can also be a massive opportunity to start over and build something new and amazing.

Our guest today wants newly separated or divorced parents to know is that the best part of your life is ahead of you.

In 2021, after 27 years of marriage and with two adult daughters, Jason Scriven found himself divorced, jobless and moving back in with his parents all within 3 months.

Anyone would say it was a brutal year.

Jason found his way through it. Figured out who he wanted to be. Re-thought his career, and found a completely new path.

A year and a half later, we think you’ll be inspired by what he’s doing now.

Jason now advises people on how to thrive, not just survive after separation or divorce. He learned the hard way, but you don’t have to.

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Find out Jason’s best tips and hear his story: 

  • 07:24 How to prioritize self-care during difficult life transitions like divorce.
  • 11:20 When to lean on your support system for both practical and emotional support.
  • 14:20 Building trust with your children through upheaval.
  • 26:24 Focusing on growth over material things or past resentments.
  • 38:40 Accepting that you can’t control the changes happening — and what you can control instead.
Connect with Jason:
Thanks for listening!

Episode Transcript

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