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Dealing with Change: From Divorce to Empty Nester and Everything in Between

“Finding myself single and single-parenting 2 young boys at 33 was not the path that I thought my life would take.” – Adele Fraser
Divorce and Empty Nesting Adele Fraser
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If you’ve ever felt thrown off balance by life’s changes, you’re not the only one! Divorce, co-parenting, single parenting, and then becoming an empty nester… the whole journey can make your head spin!

Grab your fave hot drink and download our conversation with Adele Fraser — an amazing coach and single parent who has been through a lot of change, handling it with a ton of grace and creativity .

From the initial shock and adjustment of becoming a single parent, to more recently having her young adult kids leave home, Adele embraces the unexpected opportunities that come when everything changes.

Listen for:

  • How she found her sense of self after an unexpected divorce… and built up an amazing life as a single parent.
  • The creative ways she found to help her kids through divorce and living in two homes.
  • Communicating through challenges taught her kids skills and resiliency at an early age
  • Dealing with change as her kids grew up and moved out — empty nesting is something that can be super hard for many of us.
  • How divorce has enabled her family to appreciate each other and truly value their relationships.
  • What she does for fun these days!

We loved Adele’s creative and smart approach to dealing with life’s challenges… we hope you’ll enjoy it too!

About Adele Fraser

As a coach, educator and human resources specialist, Adele has always been drawn to supporting the realization of potential and development for individuals and teams. But first and foremost, before Adele dreamt of herself in any of those careers she dreamt of being a mom. She has appreciatively described parenting her boys as ‘her life’s work’, which isn’t too far from accurate as her life and experiences have informed her parenting and her parenting has informed much about her work. After more than a decade of single-parenting behind her, Adele’s boys are graduating from highschool and making moves to carve their own path’s in the world which is giving her the the space needed to reflect on her experiences and how it has shaped the lives of all three of them.

Find out more about Adele at

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